KB Support utilises template files to display content on the front end of your website. These files can be customised as described below.
Forms REST API Route
Authentication # No authentication is required for this route. Schema # When working with the Forms REST API route the following fields can be expected in any responses.
Form Fields REST API Route
Authentication # No authentication is required for this route. Schema # When working with the Form Fields REST API route the following fields can be expected in any responses.
Replies REST API Route
Authentication # Authentication is required for this route. The authenticated user will be able to retrieve ticket replies for tickets to which they have access. They will also be able to create new ticket replies. It is recommended that a user with the role of Support Manager or higher is used.
Using the REST API
You can use the KB Support REST API to retrieve information regarding Tickets, Customers and Agents via 3rd party applications. You can also use the REST API to remotely create content such as tickets and replies.
Tickets REST API Route
Authentication # Authentication is required for this route. The authenticated user will be able to retrieve and update tickets to which they have access. They will also be able to create new tickets. It is recommended that a user with the role of Support Manager or higher is used.
Articles REST API Route
Authentication # Authentication is not required for this route unless attempting to retrieve restricted articles. Schema # When working with the Articles REST API route the following fields can be expected in any responses.
Agents REST API Route
Authentication # Authentication is required for this route and the authenticated user is required to have the ticket manager role. It is recommended that a user with the role of Support Manager or higher is used.
Customers REST API Route
Authentication # Authentication is required for this route and the authenticated user is required to have the ticket manager role. It is recommended that a user with the role of Support Manager or higher is used.
Companies REST API Route
Authentication # Authentication is required for this route and the authenticated user is required to have the ticket manager role. It is recommended that a user with the role of Support Manager or higher is used.