The Zapier extension for KB Support provides a simple and powerful way to integrate KB Support with 1000+ third party web services and automate common tasks.
Configuring Advanced Ticket Assignment
The Advanced Ticket Assignment extension for KB Support enhances how agent tickets can be assigned. The following information will enable you to get up and running optimally.
Configuring WooCommerce
The WooCommerce extension for KB Support integrates your store with KB Support to provide a complete sales and support solution for you and your customers. The following information will enable you to get up and running in the most optimal way for your website and store.
Configuring Email Support
The following details will assist you in getting up and running with the Email Support extension. For a detailed overview of the functionality available within this extension, view the Email Support product page.
Configuring Knowledge Base Integrations
Configuring KB Support to utilise your chosen 3rd party knowledge base solution could not be simpler. The following information will enable you to get up and running in no time at all.
Advanced Settings for Ratings and Satisfaction
Similarly to the core KB Support plugin, and its extensions, Ratings and Satisfaction can be customised beyond the options that are available within settings. This document, aimed at our more advanced user base, will detail some of the advanced customisation’s that can be achieved. As always, we highly recommend that any changes are implemented within your […]
Configuring Ratings and Satisfaction
The Ratings and Satisfaction extension allows customers and visitors to easily provide you with valuable feedback on your support services and documentation.
Updating Premium Extensions
The KB Support premium extensions are not stored within the WordPress plugin repository as they are not free to download, however updating premium extensions is done in the same way so long as you have a valid and active license for your extension(s).
Configuring Canned Replies
The Canned Replies extension enables you to store the responses that you most commonly use when replying to customer tickets. Once stored, the canned replies are instantly accessible to agents managing tickets. They can add the reply content with a single click of a button.