Whether or not an agent can access a ticket is dependant upon a few factors. These factors have changed since the release of KB Support version 1.3.
Searching for Tickets by ID or Number
Sometimes you know the ID or number of the ticket you need to work on, but finding it in the list of outstanding tickets can be time consuming. Especially, if there are a number of tickets outstanding in your queue. With KBS, you can enter the post ID, or the number (if using sequential numbering) […]
How to Hide Default Form Fields
Submission forms are always populated with some default fields which cannot be deleted via the Submission Forms page. However, it is still possible to hide any of those fields if you want to do so with some basic CSS code.
Replying to Closed Tickets via Email
The way in which Email Support handles an email in reply to a ticket that is currently closed depends on how you have configured the core KBS settings.
HTML Emails Tags
The Email Support extension allows you select to process received emails as either HTML or Plain Text for each server connection you have defined.
Email Support Email Commands
The Email Support extension for KB Support allows agents to enter certain commands into email content which, when detected, initiate specific actions for the ticket.
How to Change Front End Messages
KB Support has a number of built-in messages that are displayed to customers during various activities taking place on the front end of your website – for example, when a ticket is submitted. We’ll refer to these messages as notices. These front end notices can be changed if you want to do so with a small […]
Allow Agents to Add and Edit Customers
By default, only support workers with the Support Manager role are able to view customer details as well as add and edit customers, however, it is very easy to allow agents to add and edit customers if you need them need to do so.
Removing Post Lock from Tickets
WordPress locks posts whenever they are accessed in order to prevent multiple users from accessing and modifying the post at the same time. This can be a hindrance to a support organisation and therefore, sometimes, it is necessary to enable multiple people to access and work on a ticket at the same time.
Enabling Sequential Ticket Numbers
Enabling the sequential ticket numbers option ensures that all KBS tickets are in sequential order. By default, the WordPress post ID will be used as ticket ID’s but this results in gaps within the number sequence due to the way in which WordPress works. For example, your first ticket may be assigned an ID of […]