The global labels used throughout KB Support for Ticket, Tickets, KB Article and KB Articles are extremely easy to change if there is a term you would prefer to use for either, or both.

Changing Global Ticket Labels

The global labels, Ticket and Tickets, can be changed by hooking into the kbs_default_tickets_name filter like so:

 * Change the global label for tickets to cases
 * @param    array    $labels    Default labels
 * @return   array    Filtered labels
function mh_kbs_ticket_labels( $labels )    {

	$labels = array(
	   'singular' => __( 'Case', 'your-text-domain' ),
	   'plural'   => __( 'Cases', 'your-text-domain' )

	return $labels;
add_filter( 'kbs_default_tickets_name', 'mh_kbs_ticket_labels' );

All references to Ticket and Tickets will now be replaced with Case and Cases.

Changing Global KB Article Labels

The global labels, KB Article and KB Articles, can be changed by hooking into the kbs_default_articles_name filter like so:

 * Change the global label for KB Articles to documents
 * @param    array    $labels    Default labels
 * @return   array    Filtered labels
function mh_kbs_article_labels( $labels )    {

	$labels = array(
	   'singular' => __( 'Document', 'your-text-domain' ),
	   'plural'   => __( 'Documents', 'your-text-domain' )

	return $labels;
add_filter( 'kbs_default_articles_name', 'mh_kbs_article_labels' );

All references to KB Article and KB Articles will now be replaced with Document and Documents.

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Change Global Labels

The global labels used throughout KB Support for Ticket, Tickets, KB Article and KB Articles are extremely easy to change if there is a term you would prefer to use for either, or both. Changing Global Ticket Labels The global labels, Ticket and Tickets, can be changed by hooking into the kbs_default_tickets_name filter like so: /**…
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