The KB Support Email Signatures extension enables each agent to register a custom signature which can be inserted into any of the emails that are sent to a customer regarding a ticket to which the agent is assigned.


For assistance on installing a premium plugin for KB Support, please view this article.

How Agents Create A Signature

Once the Email Signatures plugin has been activated, a new field will be added to the User Profile Editor screen for each agent.

Agents should browse to Profile within the menu. The Email Signature field is located under the section headed  KB Support. Agents can enter their email signature here. Basic HTML is allowed.

Agents may only update their own signatures. Users with the Support Manager role (or an administrator KB Support settings specify that Administrators are agents) are able to edit all Support Agents signatures as well as their own.

The Email Signature field is not displayed for non-agents.

Inserting Signatures into Emails

Browse to Tickets -> Settings and click the Emails tab.

For each email within which you want to include the agents own signatures, edit the content and in the appropriate position insert the email tag {agent_signature}.

Once you have saved your changes, each time an email is generated which includes the {agent_signature} email tag, the tag will be replaced with the signature of the agent who is currently assigned to the ticket. If no agent is assigned, or no signature for the agent exists, the email tag will be replaced with an empty string.

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