Sometimes you know the ID or number of the ticket you need to work on, but finding it in the list of outstanding tickets can be time consuming. Especially, if there are a number of tickets outstanding in your queue.

With KBS, you can enter the post ID, or the number (if using sequential numbering) into the search field on the tickets list page prefixed with the # character, and if a match is found, it will be displayed for you.

For example, searching #1025 will return the ticket with the post ID of 1025.

If you are using sequential ticket numbers, and wish to search by the ticket number, you need to include any ticket suffix and/or prefix that you may have defined. For example, #KBS213 will return the ticket with the number KBS213.

Ticket Search

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Searching for Tickets by ID or Number

Sometimes you know the ID or number of the ticket you need to work on, but finding it in the list of outstanding tickets can be time consuming. Especially, if there are a number of tickets outstanding in your queue. With KBS, you can enter the post ID, or the number (if using sequential numbering)…
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