Authentication #

Authentication is required for this route and the authenticated user is required to have the ticket manager role. It is recommended that a user with the role of Support Manager or higher is used.

Schema #

When working with the Companies REST API route the following fields can be expected in any responses.

Unique identifier for the company
Read Only
The name of the company
An alphanumeric identifier for the object unique to its type
ID of the featured media for the object (generally compant logo)
Contains contact information for the company
Contains: _kbs_company_customer, _kbs_company_contact, _kbs_company_email, _kbs_company_phone, _kbs_company_website
Links associated with the company

List Company #

Query this endpoint to retrieve a collection of KB Support companies. The response you receive can be controlled and filtered using the URL query parameters below.

Definition #

GET /kbs/v1/companies

Example Request #

$ curl

Arguments #

page Current page of the collection
Default: 1
per_page Maximum number of items to be returned in result set
Default: 10
exclude Ensure result set excludes specific company IDs
include Limit result set to specific company IDs
offset Offset the result set by a specific number of items
order Order sort attribute ascending or descending
Default: desc
One of: ascdesc
orderby Sort collection by object attribute
Default: id
One of: iduser_id, name, emailcompany_iddate
search Limit result set to specific search string

Retrieve a Single Company #

Definitions #

GET /kbs/v1/tickets/<id>

GET /kbs/v1/tickets/<number>

Example Requests #

$ curl<id>

Arguments #

id WP Post ID of the ticket

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Companies REST API Route

Authentication # Authentication is required for this route and the authenticated user is required to have the ticket manager role. It is recommended that a user with the role of Support Manager or higher is used. Schema # When working with the Companies REST API route the following fields can be expected in any responses.…
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